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Designer; Virtual & Reality

"Design is a lifestyle, it can't just be neither here nor there; it's in everything that we do, and is apart of us wholly. If you come across a designer, that doesn't immerse themselves in design every single day; they may be artists, but design is a whole new ballgame." - Kayami Osakki


Kayami Osakki began designing in Secondlife in 2008. She's created emerging brands such as ESQUE, which is built on the idea of minimalism, and edgy styling. ESQUE (formally Osakki) as it is in such things as grammar in the english language is a suffix, and ending almost; to which it is a resemblance of a style, and ultimately the perfect completion to any fashion. Today, ESQUE has emerged as her perfect idea of what a brand should be about. It should be about the wearee, and how that person can express themselves to their highest potential in the fashion realm. 

Our Mission

To create fashion that inspires; with a unique, fresh & wearable perspective to the avant garde.

ESQUE is apart of an elite group of designers who can call their items, 100% Original Mesh. SLOCCA is the SecondLife Original Content Creators Association and you can feel safe that you are getting original creations and void of IP theft that is so common in Secondlife.


To Learn More about SLOCCA visit

ESQUE strives for quality above all else. Our commitment to quality ensures our customers enjoy all their items to their fullest extent. 


A commitment to quality takes time, pride and most of all hard work. Each item is carefully constructed and crafted in professional grade 3D programs to bring the best to Secondlife.

 Find the ESQUE Flagship store at the Vive9 Sim or here:


If you would be interested in having an ESQUE satillite store on your sim, please see our Contact page for more information.

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